Call for Speakers
You are invited to submit proposals for Bloggy Conference 2020. Join influencers and sponsors as we explore the business of social media.
We invite presentations and panel discussions that share expertise and insights into the very important and complex world of blogging and social media marketing. We welcome proposals from sponsoring brands and influencers alike.
What do I receive as a speaker?
- All speakers receive a full blogger pass to Bloggy Conference 2020. This includes meals, sessions, and events hosted by our sponsors.
- Access to the low rates at Hotel Breakers.
* Bloggy Conference and our sponsors will not be providing compensation, covering transportation, lodging or meals outside of meals that are provided to attendees.
Factors Affecting Proposal Selection
Presentation proposals will be selected based on suitability and significance of topic as well as indications that the presentation will be organized and well prepared. We will also consider balance in the range of topics, level of expertise and the interests covered.
Presentation proposals should contain the following information:
- Presentation Title
- Presentation Abstract
- Name of person presenting. Please include bio. Each session will consist of one speaker unless otherwise approved by Bloggy Conference.
- Provide reasons why your topic should be presented at Bloggy Conference 2020
- Advise if a demonstration will be provided and, if so, provide details of any special equipment needed to support your presentation or demonstration
- List any other conferences where this material has been presented or will be submitted
Please note that we will not be entertaining presentations that do not have a social media focus or application. Examples of social media focused topics:
- WordPress and Plugins
- Affiliate Earning/Marketing
- Speaking
- Podcasting
- Video Creation
- Audience Building
- Working with Brands
- Monetizing Social Media/Your Blog
- FTC Regulations
- Law
- Travel Blogging
- Taxes Related to Blogging/Social Media
- Content Creation and Planning
- Content Marketing
- Marketing
- Review Blogging
- YouTube
- Podcasting
We are looking forward to hearing from all the creative, informational, invigorating, and talented individuals who are willing to inspire our attendees to walk away from this conference with an extraordinary wealth of knowledge. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at media@bloggymoms.com
Please make note of the following important dates:
Presentation and Panel submission deadline – June 26, 2020
Presentation and Panel notifications – July 1, 2020
Call for Speakers Submission
Please submit your proposal using the form below no later than June 26, 2020. Please note that we will be accepting quality submissions as they are received so all spaces may be filled prior to that date. Get your submissions in ASAP.
*Bloggy Conference and our sponsors will not be providing compensation, covering transportation, lodging or meals outside of meals that are provided to attendees.
Speakers are held under the same rules and restrictions that attendees are for hotel discounts, special conference opportunities, deadlines, and gifted items. No exceptions will be made. Any speaker demanding special treatment will have their relationship with Bloggy Conference terminated immediately and will not be invited to future events.