Through sponsorship of Bloggy Conference, brands are able to engage and work with Bloggy Conference attendees not only during the event – but also in the months leading up to it. By connecting with our attendees throughout the year and during Bloggy Conference – you have the opportunity to connect to their audience.
Our attendees generate thousands of pieces of content related to the conference and sponsors. They share images, hashtags, products, and social media mentions with their audience via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and their blogs. During Bloggy Conference, our attendees generate millions of Twitter impressions using the conference hashtag and the unique hashtags of our sponsors.
Special Events!
By offering special events, parties, and giveaways – our sponsors have been able to increase their social media buzz and blogger engagement. In 2014, attendees spent the weekend snapping pictures of their #iheartCP Snoopy and sharing them with their audience. In 2013 attendees enjoyed capturing memorable moments with their #HondaLove Teddy Bear during the conference and in the months that followed.